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SwimKid Program


School age kids

For school age children, our instructor will make sure they learn life saving skills, such as floating and swimming without goggles.


* your instructor will asses your child at the first lesson to provide the right lesson program.


What we teach?


- Building water confidence

- Breath control

- Water submersıon

- Propulsion efficiency

- Front and back float

- Streamlined body position 

- Strong and effective kick both front and back

- Starting kicking front and roll over back and wait for rest

- Introduce basic freestyle stroke

- Freestyle drill

- Introduce basic backstroke stroke

- Backstroke drill

- Introducing butterfly kick & arms

- Butterfly drill

- Introducing breaststroke kick and arms

- Breaststroke drill

- Stroke Develpment

- Tumbleturns in all stroke

- Dive

Schedule online. It's easy, fast and secure.

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